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在练习360°,独奏 & 小律所澳博app探索新的交易工具和策略



谈到谈判,大多数人想到的是妥协. 但谈判是一个更为复杂和复杂的过程, 尤其是在从事法律工作的背景下.

“一切都以兴趣为中心,马克斯Bevilacqua说, founder and chief negotiating officer of the advisory firm Mindful Negotiating in Boston. “我们使用的比喻是冰山. 职位是可见的——他们会要求的东西. 兴趣更重要, 一大堆东西:我们的恐惧, 值, 动机, 司机, 需要, 和关切.”

马克斯Bevilacqua“Instead of focusing on what people ask for, you want to understand their 动机. [You] want to get that understanding,” added Bevilacqua, one of the featured speakers at the D.C. 酒吧 执业管理谘询服务’s ninth annual Practice 360°: A Day for Lawyers and Law Firms on October 4. 事件, 有130多人参加, explored topics ranging from negotiation strategies to marketing to using artificial intelligence responsibly.

Bevilacqua’s negotiation model is based on the 1981 classic book by Harvard Law professor Roger Fisher and mediation expert William Ury, 说“是”:不妥协地协商协议. 诞生于哈佛谈判项目, the book pioneered methods of principled negotiation by separating people from the problem; focusing on interests, not positions; inventing options for mutual gain; and using objective criteria.

澳博app可以评估自己的谈判风格, 是否竞争太激烈, 控制, 或适应, 并重新学习新的方法来创造理想的谈判动力, Bevilacqua说. 它需要自我反省, 或者个人辅导, 有时可能意味着派其他人去谈判.

“The idea is that the things that make lawyers strong in front of judges, 或者批判性思维, 有时会以做其他事情为代价——切换模式, 摆脱竞争模式, 也许会转到合作模式,贝维拉克说, a former instructor with Harvard’s Program on Negotiation who now lectures at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

战略眼光 & 市场营销

除了关于磨练他们谈判技巧的建议, Practice 360° attendees also received advice from experts on media strategies for getting their name, 还有他们公司的, 在那里.

“澳博app很擅长产生创意, 但是缺少了一些主题知识,卡洛斯·拉斯特拉说, 奇普里亚尼的合伙人 & 维尔纳,P.C. “我们不是营销人员. 法学院没教我们做营销人员.”

实践360媒体营销面板拉斯特拉和他的合伙人特雷西·科茨, 他们公司家庭法律业务的联席主席, said they leveraged their knowledge of domestic relations matters to gain media and television interviews. Their firm also brought in Eleanor Kerlow of Eleanor Kerlow PR as an outside public relations consultant to help them develop media pitches that led to television appearances, 提升他们的执业水平,建立他们的个人品牌.

在当今的数字媒体生态系统中,与澳博app媒体合作至关重要, Kerlow说, 因为广告位置会产生内容和分享. 关键是要有知识, 准备, 当媒体需要帮助时,也可以找到, 她告诉与会者.

市场营销对奇普里亚尼来说很重要 & 沃纳, a general services firm that had been based primarily in Pennsylvania but opened an office in Washington, D.C.2014年,该公司将业务扩展到了马里兰州和弗吉尼亚州. 该公司目前在10个州和华盛顿特区设有20个办事处.

“You have to do a good job, but once you do a good job, they trust you. 他们喜欢你. 他们知道你知道你在说什么. Eventually you get invitations back because they know that you'll deliver every time,拉斯特拉谈到他的媒体活动时说.

科茨创建了自己的播客, 特蕾西·科茨秀, which gave her a platform to reach people directly and build her own audience by tackling relationship, 婚姻, 还有离婚问题. She discovered that the podcast was a relatively low-cost way to establish her brand and build credibility both with media and potential clients.

当然, 技巧和战术都需要战略, and David Skinner of Gimbal offered attendees a workshop in developing a purpose-driven strategic vision for their law firms.

“为你想要实现的目标建立一个愿景, 即使在短期内也是如此, will help set the foundation that creates alignment and unifies your team around a common sense of purpose,斯金纳说. “That common sense of purpose is going to improve focus and productivity, and that is what's going to help you deliver better services to your clients while also improving your bottom line.”

Setting a vision for your firm’s strategy requires being clear about who you serve, 如何为他们服务, 为什么这对他们和你都很重要, 斯金纳说. The key is to create a statement of what you want your firm to achieve and look like in three to five years’ time, 他补充说.


The legal world has been abuzz with both excitement and concern about how artificial intelligence will impact the practice of law, and Practice 360° covered some of the issues around AI technology such as ChatGPT.

埃德·沃尔特斯法律界的主要问题是, 澳博app是否会使用人工智能工具, “我们怎样才能不落入道德陷阱?” asked 埃德·沃尔特斯, CEO and founder of Fastcase, an online legal research service. Fastcase, D.C. 酒吧 member benefit, recently merged with vLex, a global legal intelligence platform that uses AI.

D.C. 职业行为准则 require lawyers to be technologically competent, 所以说到人工智能, “你必须精通这些工具,沃尔特斯说, 但同时, 从业人员必须履行保密义务.

“Competence requires that we analyze these tools to see if we can use them to serve our clients safely, 秘密地,沃尔特斯说. 道德规范要求澳博app避免使用“鲁莽的技术”,” but they also “require us to stay abreast of the new technologies and understand what's 在那里,他补充道.

沃尔特斯建议谨慎使用人工智能. “We are sort of being led to believe that AI is this magical robot lawyer — and maybe one day it will be — but as of right now it’s just not, 尽管它是假装的. 人工智能存在无数问题,”沃尔特斯说.




D.C. 巡回法院寻求委员会候选人

美国.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit is seeking to fill multiple vacancies on the Advisory Committee on Procedures and one vacancy on the Criminal Justice Act Panel Committee.



D.C. 澳博app协会澳博app27名澳博app加入约翰佩顿领导学院


D.C. 酒吧 kicked off its 2024 约翰·佩顿领导学院 on April 22 with 27 attorneys from a variety of professional settings embarking on a three-month intensive training to unlock their leadership potential in a competitive, 瞬息万变的职业环境.

D.C. 高等法院



District of Columbia Judicial Nomination Commission has recommended to President Biden six candidates for judicial vacancies on the 高等法院 of the District of Columbia created by the retirement of Judge Jennifer M. 安德森和鲁帕·兰加法官的辞职. 总统有60天的时间为每一个空缺挑选一名提名人.
